9:30 h. Welcome. Esteban Pelayo. PCA Manager
9:40h. R&D in international collaboration? But it is very interesting!
What is the added value of international R&D collaboration. And how do we manage to rebalance the return while expanding the geographical boundaries with third countries.
Speaker: José Manuel Leceta. CIO of the Port Authority of Alicante. http://josemanuelleceta.com/
General Director of Red.es between 2016 and 2018, Director of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) between 2011 and 2015 and International Director of the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) between 2004 and 2010.
10:00h. Introduction to the mechanisms and methodologies of cascade financing developed by the European Commission.
Cascade Funding is a mechanism of the European Commission (EC) to distribute public funds to support SMEs and midcaps but also start-ups and research groups in the integration and development of technological innovations. These funds are made available to beneficiaries through Open Calls launched by EC funded projects. This will be the main content of this introductory session, which will also present some examples of Open Calls open or in anticipation of interest to the profile of the attendees.
Speaker: Graciela Garrido. Business Development Unit at Funding Box
Graciela Garrido is Head of Sales at FundingBox and Country Manager of Econet. She has a degree in Political Science, specializing in International Studies. Master in European Union Studies and Postgraduate in Local Development. In addition to her experience in EU projects (since 2003 and since 2014 in Cascade Funding), she is an expert in strategic and innovation consultancy, being responsible for the development of RIS3 Regional Strategies, Regional R&D&I Plans or more recently (2016), in the design and implementation of IHLs.
10:30h. Success story: Javier Ferrer. CEO of Witrac.
This event is part of a program organized by the PCA to encourage the participation of startups and technology-based companies in European programs.
Selected participants will be supported by expert consultants to define their strategy for participation in European projects, as well as participation in brokerage events in Brussels.