Open source jam 2023

Open Source Jam – An event to contribute to Open Source development

On August 6 and 7 will be held in Alicante for the first time the Open source Jam. A programming event organized by Interacso to encourage collaboration to free software projects. On this occasion, attendees will work on React libraries, a technology that is present in the platforms we use every day such as Facebook, Instagram or Airbnb.

It is not necessary to know React, nor to have ever made open source contributions. Both people who have collaborated in open source projects have a place in the Jam and it is an opportunity for those who want to get into this world.

There will be a prize of 1200 euros, as a way to reward the work that is done for free by the development community and that builds the code that helps us every day, determinant in the explosion of digital companies in recent years. Although it is true that already many large companies such as Microsoft or Facebook allocate huge amounts of resources to the development of free software, there are still many people who collaborate independently and selflessly.

Registration is open:

Individuals or teams until August 4th .

*Limited places.

If you are a developer with knowledge of JavaScript or TypeScript you can sign up at the event website



Feb 04 - 05 2023


09:00 - 17:00


Teralco Group, C. Severo Ochoa, 46, planta 2, 03203 Elche, Alicante
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