The event, part of Focus Future Govtech, featured a talk by ESADE Professor Esteve Almirall.
Alicante, 24th of may of 2022.- Alicante Futura and Aguas de Alicante have jointly presented the latest Dinapsis digital paper “City and Innovation”. The event, which took place at the Museo de Aguas de Alicante, is part of Focus Future Govtech, where Esteve Almirall, author of the digital paper and professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences at ESADE (Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas), also participated.
At the beginning of the event, the Councillor for Employment and Development of the Alicante City Council, Mari Carmen de España, opened the event by highlighting the importance of the collaboration between Aguas de Alicante and the city council to generate innovative synergies in the field of the environment and society. “Modulating the international perception of Alicante as a benchmark in the fields of technology and digitalisation requires constant and fluid public-private collaboration”, highlighted the councillor Mari Carmen de España.
Esteve Almirall, the recognised international expert in information technologies and author of the monograph, was in charge of presenting it to the main experts in innovation from different organisations and institutions in the province of Alicante. “Cities are the melting pot of innovation. The industrial revolution and all modern innovation processes are born in cities. Today, the need to grow with a type of economy that generates the degree of well-being and the type of work to which modern societies aspire, added to the fact that innovation is largely digital and does not need large spaces, has returned this leading role in innovation to the city”, Almirall declares.
Likewise, Javier Díez, General Manager of Aguas de Alicante, said that, for Aguas, this event is part of its new Strategic Plan 2022-2027, the result of active listening to strategic stakeholders for the company. “Aguas de Alicante’s new roadmap includes the opening of the Water Intelligence Centre at the end of the year, located in the city of Alicante and integrated within Alicante Futura. This centre is intended to provide the backbone for the city’s future, forming part of the initiatives of the “Alicante 2030 Urban Agenda”, said Javier Díez. The presentation concluded with a dialogue between Almirall and the lawyer and urban expert Pablo Sánchez-Chillón on the role of innovation in the face of the urban challenges of the 21st century. This new edition of the Dinaps Digital Paper magazine is part of the company’s commitment to innovation as a fundamental part of its activity. In this way, from the Dinapsis hubs distributed throughout the national territory, and is continuously searching for new ways to improve city environments, from a perspective that encourages collaboration between entities, companies and startups in solutions to current urban challenges.
Watch the conference here: