The last Monday, the first sesion of the design and innovation workshop applied to the challenges of the architecture took place, organized by Alicante Futura and the Territorial College of Architects of Alicante.
Mari Carmen de España, city councilwoman of Employment and Promotion of the Alicante local goverment, was there and has highlighted the effor of the Local Goberment , through Alicante Futura, is doing, with the help of organizations as the College of Architects of Alicante, to encourage innovation, which will result in greater economic development for the city.
For his part, the President of the Achitect College, Emilio Vicedo, expressed his support for iniciatives such as those developed by Alicante Futura in this workshop, which are the result of close collaboration between the College and Alicante City Council, and which focus on innovation, something that architects must also focus on in their daily work.
Something is happening in Alicante.