Entrepreneur Bruno Dureux presents ‘Investment Strategy’, the third session of the Investors Educational Program of ‘Capital Futura’.
The entrepreneur and investor Bruno Dureux, former President of the Círculo de Economía de la Región de Murcia, CEO of Innoventures and owner of the ‘Embargos a lo Bestia’ Group, presented ‘Investment Strategy’, the third and last session of the Alicante Futura, Capital Futura, Investors Educational Program. The meeting, which took place at the Entrepreneurship Centre of the capital of Alicante, focused on providing attendees with the methods and keys necessary to achieve their financial goals and increase their wealth over the years in environments related to entrepreneurship, seed capital and co-investment platforms.
During the event, which is part of the LAB FUTURA of Alicante’s technology capital strategy, Bruno Dureaux addressed issues of interest such as investment strategies, the different types of ticket and valuations by type of investor and the return on investment and diversification.
Dureux, a renowned economist, businessman and investor with more than 20 years of experience as CEO of companies in the financial sector has shared his experience with the Alicante Futura community, in this cycle of approaching the keys and essential concepts of investment in start-ups that Alicante Futura and the Local Development Agency of Alicante have promoted with BIGBAN Private Investors, one of the most important platforms of business angels in Spain.
During the presentation, which was opened by the Councillor for Development and Employment of Alicante City Council and head of Alicante Futura, Mari Carmen de España, Bruno Dureux revealed keys to investment strategy in innovative products and markets and advice on how to position oneself in the value chain of investment in start-ups, depending on the market cycle and profitability, as a mechanism to protect capital in volatile environments such as digital entrepreneurship.
In this way, Alicante LAB Futura brings to an end the Capital Futura – Investors Educational Program, which will return to Alicante after the summer with a second cycle of value-added meetings for the investment and business community, helping to strengthen the culture of innovation and the resources and competitiveness of Alicante’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.