On Monday, March 20th, a new session of the Green Forum Alicante Futura was held. This day analyzed the development of digitization in the agri-food ecosystem of Alicante and was attended by the Councilor for Employment and Promotion of the City of Alicante, Mari Carmen de España, the Councilor for Commerce and Hospitality of the City of Alicante, Lidia López, Dolores Mejía, general manager of Mercalicante and Mila Varcárcel, managing partner of Eatable Adventures.
During the event, which was attended by different representatives of the Alicante Foodtech ecosystem, such as the Alicante Restaurant Association (ARA), the Alicante Provincial Association of Hospitality Entrepreneurs (APEHA), AlicanTec and various start-ups (Mediterranean Algae, SUBMERCA, SEGONPLAT), Mari Carmen de España, highlighted the need to promote a change in the city’s production model, focusing on the promotion of new technologies.
The session also included the participation of Mila Valcárcel, founder and Managing Partner of Eatable Adventures, one of the most prominent Foodtech consultancies in the sector, who presented the status, trends and opportunities of current ecosystems in the development of the agri-food sector in relation to technology, digital momentum and new processes, products and materials.
All this explanation, has been carried out through the report “Spain Food Nation”, which Eatable Adventures prepares annually, to analyze the evolution of Foodtech in Spain. “During the last years Spain has experienced a growth in Foodtech investment, something very positive that encourages us to continue advancing, since we are still far from reaching other countries that bet much more on this type of advances”, says Mila Varcárcel, Managing Partner of Eatable Adventures.
For her part, Mari Carmen de España, explained the importance of supporting and promoting entrepreneurship in this sector, as well as the need to continue fostering collaborations with other public entities, such as Mercalicante or the University of Alicante, and private companies. All this represents a “tool to promote and consolidate a Foodtech Hub as a way to attract talent, employment and wealth, helping in turn to turn Alicante into the Mediterranean capital of the technology industry, digital entrepreneurship and the new urban economy”.