The last 5th of may took place the Design Thinking Blue Economy Cluster Workshop, within the activities developed by Alicante Futura for the consolidation of the Blue Economy Cluster.
Antonio Sánchez Zaplana, Iñaki Casals y Aida Poveda from Aguas de Alicante, Rafael Abril, Autoridad Portuaria de Alicante, Sayri Arteaga from Uware Robotics, Alejandro Triviño from Instituto de Ecología Litoral y Lidia Aldeguer, from Bras del Port, analyze in detail the relationships between de different stakeholders, in an attractive and entertaining way.
They faced several challenges related to water quality, its use and care, analyzing the problems, the affected actors and the interests to be satisfied by them, developing their ability to devise possible solutions, the first step to determine the most appropriate solution to the challenge posed.
Something is happening in Alicante.